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Yuhai Wu
Date:2020-12-10  View:
Name:Yuhai Wu
Title: Professor
Research orientations
Differential Equations and Dynamical System/ Limit cycles of Planar Polynomial Vector Fields
Postgraduate/Graduate Enrollment Specialty:Applied Mathematics
E-mail: yuhaiwu@ujs.edu.cn
Address:Math Building Room 302
Education background:            
1993.09-1997.07, Anhui Normal University, Mathematics Education, Bachelor Degree;
1999.09-2004.04, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Applied Mathematics, Doctor Degree.
Working experience:
1997.07-1999.09, Anhui Normal University, Department of Mathematics, Teacher;
2004.05-2004.12, Zhejiang Science and Technology University, Teacher;
2005.01- ,  Jiangsu University, Faculty of Sciences, Teacher
Research projects:
On the study of limit cycles, homoclinic loops and heteroclinic loops of vector fields having parameters, supported by Natural Science Foundations of China(11101189)
Teaching Courses:
Dynamical System(Master course)
Mathematical Analysis(I), (II), (III)(Undergraduate course)
Ordinary Differential Equations,
Real Analysis,
Complex Analysis,
Linear Algebra,
Probability and Statistics
Higher Mathematics
1. Y Wu, L Tian, Y Hu, On the limit cycles of a Hamiltonian under Z4 equivariant quintic perturbation, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,  2007(33), 298-307
2. Y Wu, On the bifurcations of a Hamiltonian having three homoclinic loops under Z3 invariant quintic perturbations, Acta Math Sinica, English series, 2007, Vol. 23,  No. 5
3. Y Wu, L Tian, M Han, On the limit cycles of a quintic planar vector field, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2007, 50(7), 925-940
4. Y Gao, Y Wu, L Tian, Bifurcations of limit cycles in a perturbed quintic Hamiltonian system with six double homoclinic loops, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, Vol. 24, No. 2 (2008), 313–328
5. Wu Y, Han M, New configurations of 24 limit cycles in a quintic system, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 55 (2008) 2064–2075
6. Y Wu, M Han, X Chen, On the bifurcation of double homoclinic loops of a cubic system, Nonlinear Analysis, 68 (2008), 2487–2494
7. Y Wu, Y Gao, M Han, Bifurcations of limit cycles in a Z3 equivariant quartic planar vector field, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 38 (2008) 1177–1186
8. Y Wu, Y Gao, M Han, On the number and distributions of limit cycles in a quintic planar vector field, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 18, No. 7 (2008) 1939–1955
9. Y Wu, X Wang, L Tian, Bifurcations of limit cycles in a Z4 equivariant quintic planar vector field, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2010, 26(4), 779-798
10. Y Hu, L Duan, Y Huang, Y Wu, On the perturbations of a Hamiltonian system,Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2011(61),773-782
Honors & awards:
Excellent Teacher of Jiangsu University in 2012

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